Dressing appropriately for your spray tan appointment is not just about aesthetics or maintaining your comfort during the process. It also plays a significant role in ensuring the effectiveness of the application and the longevity of your tan, as wearing unsuitable attire could potentially ruin your spray tan.

Understanding the Spray Tan Process

The spray tan implements a process where a mist is sprayed onto your body to give you a tan. The mist has an ingredient called Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) that interacts with your skin’s chemistry to create a tanned color. It takes about 24 hours for color development to occur fully, hence why choosing the perfect outfit is crucial not to disrupt this process.

Why choosing the right outfit matters

Choosing the correct clothing for your spray tan is crucial in two ways. Firstly, you’ll want to wear something that won’t rub against the tanner and smear it unevenly around your body during the drying phase. Secondly, you’d want to avoid clothes that might get ruined by the spray tanner, which can sometimes stain certain fabrics and light colors.

Factors to Consider when Choosing What to Wear to a Spray Tan

  • Comfort: The process of getting a spray tan can be a long one, with a wait time sometimes extending till the tan dries. Therefore, you should prioritize wearing something comfortable that you can lounge around in while you wait.
  • Ease: Remember, you’ll have to change out of your clothes and into whatever you’re wearing for the spray tan, so opt for something easy to slip on and off.
  • Portability: It’s preferable to keep it light and simple. You don’t want to carry around heavy, bulky clothes when getting a spray tan.
  • Dark Colors: Dark clothes are your best bet when getting a spray tan. They will help hide any small patches of spray tan solution that might rub off and stain.
  • Materials: Opt for light and breathable material, such as cotton. Synthetic materials can cause sweat, which can undo your spray tan.

What Should I Wear to a Spray Tan?

Deciding what to wear to a spray tan appointment can be puzzling. Your clothing choice can impact the tanning result, so read on for tips to guide you in your selection.

Choosing your outfit

A good rule of thumb for spray tan attire is to opt for loose, dark clothing. Tight clothing could rub the tan off or leave marks before it fully sets in. Dark colors will conceal any tan which may rub off, unlike light-colored clothes.


Undergarments can play a vital role in your spray tanning session. They can provide coverage for areas you prefer to remain lighter, thus creating a natural and seamless tan gradient. However, keep in mind that the spray may feature on them, so opting for dark or older undergarments is recommended.

Other options: Loose fitting clothes, swimsuits, or nothing?

Between loose clothes, swimsuits, and bare skin, the best choice would depend on your comfort level and desired tanning result. Loose clothes can lessen the risk of rubbing and streaking. Swimsuits might induce tan lines but could be ideal if you plan to tan in them later. Going completely bare allows an even tan throughout, though it is only an option if you are comfortable with it.

Do You Fully Undress for a Spray Tan?

The decision to fully undress for a spray tan is entirely up to individual comfort and preference. A full undress can ensure a uniform tan, but not everyone is comfortable with it.

Why some opt to Undress Completely

Some people prefer to undress completely for a spray tan to avoid uneven tan lines. It also allows for a uniform tan coverage across the entire body, ensuring all parts are evenly colored for a natural-looking tan.

Weighing Personal Comfort and Tan Lines

Your personal comfort is crucial during a spray tan. It’s important to remember that you can request to have certain areas covered if you’re concerned about specific tan lines or insufficient privacy.

Recommendations from Professional Spray Tan Technicians

Most professional technicians suggest wearing as little as possible during a spray tan—but within your comfort zone. Whether that’s an old bikini, disposable undergarments, or choosing to go without the most important factor is that you feel at ease throughout the process.

What to Wear after getting a Spray Tan?

Choosing what to wear after getting a spray tan can greatly affect the longevity and evenness of your tan.

  • Appropriate Post-Tan Outfits: The best post-tan outfits are those that are loose, comfortable, and dark in color. Avoid materials like silk or nylon, which can stick to your skin and ruin your fresh tan.
  • Avoiding Tight Clothing: Tight clothing can rub against your skin and potentially cause your tan to streak or fade unevenly. The friction can also irritate your skin, which isn’t ideal when you’ve just applied a tanning solution.
  • Why a Dark, Loose Dress is Often the Best Choice: A dark, loose dress is often the best choice because it minimizes the risk of your tan rubbing off onto your clothing. The loose fit ensures there’s no friction against your skin, allowing your tan to set properly and evenly.

When Can I Wear Normal Clothes After a Spray Tan?

The timing of when to wear normal clothes after a spray tan is crucial to maintain the high-quality of your tan. Waiting for the tan to set properly ensures that it absorbs evenly into your skin, providing a flawless and natural-looking tan. It’s generally recommended to wait at least 8-10 hours before changing into normal, tighter clothing. This allows your tan enough time to fully absorb and dry.

Wearing loose, comfortable clothes immediately after your spray tan can extend the longevity of your tan. Tight clothes can potentially rub off and fade your tan, shortening its lifespan.

Understanding what to wear before and after your spray tan is crucial to achieve a long-lasting, even tan.
Opt for loose, dark and comfortable clothing before and after your spray tan appointment. Wait a minimum of 8-10 hours before changing into your regular clothes. By following these tips, you are sure to make the most out of your spray tanning experience and maximize the lifespan of your beautiful tan.

We’d love to hear from you about your spray tan experiences! Feel free to comment below and share your tips and experiences with others who are considering a spray tan.

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